Be brave enough to be bad at something new, meaning | What does it actually mean?
After reading this quote, something stirred inside me: Be brave enough to be bad at something new. “Am I experimenting and putting myself out there?” Is my fear of failure and pride preventing me from “trying something new”? Yes, I believe that. Too frequently, I think I must be the best at everything I do and refuse even to try new things. I’ve come to know that it’s my thinking that’s causing me to fail (irony at its best)
Have you ever wished to try something completely different? Have you ever seen someone thrive at a sport or something you’ve always wanted to do and never got the chance?
Did you realize that the individual you’re admiring on the sidelines was once new to the game as well? They may have some inherent talent, but they, too, were new to the game and may have performed poorly at first.
Not every athlete began their journey on the podium with a gold medal! They, like you, were previously inexperienced in the field.
The difference is that they were brave enough to admit and were poor at it and stuck with it until they neither fell in love with it and pursued the successes, or they said, “Yep, that’s enough for me,” and moved on.
Five ways to be brave enough to be bad at something new
I’ll show you five ways to be brave enough to be bad at something new:
Some of you may recall my tale about running and finishing a Triathlon this past August, even though I hadn’t swum, biked, or run in years! It seemed like I had to start from scratch. I took swimming classes to strengthen my stroke and gain the confidence I’d need to swim in open water.
I went on family bike rides before joining others on more extensive expeditions to reacquaint me with the bike. Swimming was a problem for me because I was so awful at it! I was afraid that people would judge me or that I would die because of my inconsistent strokes and rapid breaths when all I wanted to do was glide like a dolphin had done all my life! I continued to practice both in and out of the water.
(Yes, out of the water, swim strokes may be improved) But I ultimately got the stroke and breathing pattern required to finish the swim. And that’s precisely what I did: I finished the swim and then moved on to the bike and ran. That’s what I wanted to do as I came across the finish line! Victory!
1. It’s all about the mind
This is so essential to me that I put it first! Your body will do as your mind commands! It’s insane to think this, but it’s real! When I’m coaching accountable clients experiencing self-doubt, I recommend that they read 10 minutes each day of self-development books.
They can also listen to motivational podcast or movie. This is also something I do every morning to get my mind in the right frame of mind for the day! We hear far too much negativity in the world; it’s all around us.
However, you can control your thoughts, and we want you to be emotionally happy and cheerful!
2. Declare it
I informed everyone I was training for a triathlon, and they either encouraged me or told me they didn’t believe in me. (There will always be those who don’t believe in you, even family.)
I didn’t let it go into my head. Even two days before my event, someone told me not to do it since they didn’t want me to die.) You must have faith in yourself right now; be bold, girl; I know you can! But I told you about it! “I’ve never done this before; I’m a rookie,” I said. I’d come into women I’d said about it, and they’d ask how it was doing or even offer advice.
3. Discover your tribe
Find people who will support you and tell you that you can do it! They’re out there, believe it or not. You can discover them on Facebook or through a Meetup group. You can also find them in your neighborhood. I’ve met some incredible women who have given me the boost I needed. It didn’t matter if it was in my swimming class or on the running trails.
4. It’s even more fun if you do it with a friend
Perhaps one of your circle of friends would join you. You both have the potential to be fearless! You’d be surprised at what the two of you can accomplish together.
I also appreciate how it held me accountable to my objectives. When my girlfriend was having a rough day, I would be there for her; we generally laughed so hard at ourselves that it was just enjoyable.
I’d be there for her as well. We made it through as a team, and she crossed the finish line 8 minutes ahead of me, and we celebrated like champions!
5. Enroll in a class
Just as in my swim stroke improvement class, everyone in the class was there for the same reason. In the beginning, we all looked like fish out of water in the pool, but we all progressed!
Take two classes, whatever it takes to feel like you’re accomplishing anything whilst doing this so-called event. Listen, if you’re worried about money, you know where I’d go.
Recognize that stepping out the front door into something potentially frightening is a significant step. As a result, give yourself credit for what you’ve accomplished.
It takes courage to try something new even if you know you’re going to “suck” at it. You know that people may scorn, ridicule, or criticize you. However, the benefit of trying something new far outweighs the disadvantage—you might even excel at it!